Persuasive Essay On Driverless Cars

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You are sitting in the backseat of your driverless car without a care in the world, watching netflix and enjoying your favorite assortment of snacks and beverages. All of a sudden your car goes from the speed limit to full throttle in one jolt and take off down the freeway. The car is not designed to go this fast and the other cars do not have time to react. Is this really what you want in a truly driverless car, having no control over the situation and putting your life in the hands of autonomic machine? Driverless cars should not be introduced to the common public because of deadly errors in the cars system, problems with the laws and regulations, and the role humans play in these cars. It is important to recognize the flaws within these driverless cars. It is a fact of course that they can get you from point a to point b respectively, but what if something goes wrong? One faulty wire or disconnected switch could be a life or death problem. Driverless cars are also implemented to go short distances and must have the GPS coordinates readily available. However, the systems do crash in instances of a long distance trips and construction zones …show more content…

It would take years of work to get the regulations up to date now, just think of how much they would change in the future. The regulations would have to cover the problems now, and the problems that have not even been discovered yet. Yet another problem the lawmakers would have to face is regulations that deal with liability issues. Take airplanes for example. When or if they crash the debts are paid by the airline company and blamed on the pilot. In a driverless vehicle, who would be to blame? Since the systems are so refined, the car companies would deny any problems or legal obligations with the person who is trying to get the money. You could not argue that the passenger was to blame, as they have no control over the

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