Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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How many times have you had to slam on the brakes, because you were replying to that one quick little text? Crashes caused by cellphones are not uncommon. Potential laws banning cellphones in cars have been talked about for a while. Ways to enforce those laws would need to be discussed, because it would be hard for law enforcement to watch every single person that was on their phone. The use of cellphones in cars has caused many changes to technology making them a danger to people by distracted driving. Distracted driving is most commonly known to happen when someone is talking or texting on their phone whilst driving. This is dangerous in the fact that there are many new drivers on the road every year. When glancing down at something while driving 55 miles per hour the amount of ground covered by the car equates to a football field. In the five seconds it takes for someone to text, call, or update social media; a child could have run out in front of the car and be dead. According to the NHTSA "cellphones were a factor in about 13% of fatal …show more content…

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) suggests "…a ban on all cellphone use while driving." (Zalan). Some people believe that we should start to enforce officers to pull people over if they have a cellphone out and using them. These laws should be made within the states. That way the laws will get passed faster and be altered to a certain state and their own traffic laws. Granted people would need to know the laws of other states before they travel out of their own state. It would make a lot of people more aware of their surroundings than their texts, calls, and social media. Although some Highway safety experts "can't seem to agree on whether hands-free cellphones are enough of a distraction to merit bans, despite a push that started in January by the National Safety Council. Many question the value of cellphone laws at all."

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