Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

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With his new role as the President of the United States, Donald Trump has several plans that he hopes to implement within the next four years of his presidency. Among these plans are his visions for the issue of climate change, a highly debated topic between government officials and members of the scientific community. Trump, along with several conservative christian congressmen, does not believe that climate change is a human caused issue. Many of them claim that it is a hoax, with Trump even claiming that climate change was “created by the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive” (Source). As a result, Trump plans to repeal many of the actions President Obama set forth for climate change during his presidency. Specifically, …show more content…

Obviously, he has support for his changes, but he also faces plenty of backlash from those who oppose his policies. Regardless, accomplishing what he wants will not exactly be easy. He does have the power to implement executive orders, as seen by his recent executive order in regards to removing Obama’s climate change policies, that do play a large role in shaping current climate change policy. As far as long term progress, however, executive orders will only get Trump so far. One such example of this is Trump’s plan to remove the Clean Power Plan, which was implemented by President Obama. This plan cannot be removed with simply an executive order. According to many environmental law experts, they state that repealing such plans is a long legal process comprised of “a rule-making process” and “periods of public comment”. (Source). There are estimates that state it could take the whole entire term of Trump’s presidency to repeal and change many of the current environmental policies, which does not bode well for the Trump administration. As a result, Trump is currently limited to the executive order as a means of pushing his agenda, despite the fact that he has a Congress that generally maintains the same viewpoint on this

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