Persuasive Essay On Being Cruel Is Not Cool

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Being Cruel Is Not Cool
How many individuals show affection to animals? Many people love or own dogs or cats; however, some entities do not appreciate animals. The general public abuses animals in different ways. Every country should eliminate the amount of cruelty to animals due to the fact that these creatures do not put any harm on the human society; the species cannot protect themselves, lastly they rely on our humankind to prevent poaching and slaughtering these creatures. Also there should be a focal point on helping when animals are in need. Animal Cruelty is defined as humans neglecting creatures or inflicting harm. These people who commit these crimes are known as victimizers. There are multiple ways of abusing animals; some examples …show more content…

Animal cruelty is acts of violence or neglect perpetrated against animals. There are diverse types of animal abuse going on in the world today. One type of animal abuse is animal factory farms. Most people do not tend to think that eating meat such as beef, pork, and chicken has anything to do with animal abuse, when in reality it does. In factory farms where they keep the animals before killing them, the animals have to live in a world full of abuse. Pigs, for instance, are killed by getting slammed head first into the concrete ground or by being tossed into poisonous bins of gas while slowly suffering to death if they are sick or do not grow fast enough. Animals in these factory farms suffer in various ways such as getting their throats slit or by being cramped into tight places, causing them to suffer from depression or insanity. People do not realize that before the meat they are eating became the food on their plate, it was an animal that once suffered abuse. Whether an animal did something to make one mad or upset, one is going through a rough time, or simply just because one want to or feel like it, animal abuse is wrong in every way and our society should have more stringent laws against it. Animal abuse should be stopped. Every day, many animals are beaten, mistreated, or neglected, leaving the animals little hope as they live out the days of their lives without the compassion they deserve. Many people take …show more content…

Mainly because the abuse usually occurs in secret or when it is talked about, it’s hard to prove because the bruises are not visible. Emotional abuse is much more torturous that physical abuse, it has the power to change a person and their life. Unlike physical abuse, it does not leave you with bruised eyes or a broken arm, and yet it cuts deeper than physical pain. The victim fails to realize that these creatures are being abused and may have their mind and soul bashed to the extent where they may think that is a responsibility for them. One can suffer from emotional abuse by the hands of anyone. Most of the time it is a spouse, but it also can be at the hands of a parent, sibling, co-worker, caregiver, or even a friend. By enforcing stricter laws and being more aware, we could stop that sadistic look from becoming a gunshot. Emotional abuse comes in a form of a big bulky package, it is an attack involving a wide range of behaviors aimed at battering the heart and soul of the victim to gain control over them. This could include a cruel look, belittling, isolation, or even financial abuse. The victim gets blindsided, not realizing it is happening, especially if it’s coming from the one they love and trust. For instance, physical abuse and emotional abuse is a vicious circle that eats away at your self-confidence making it hard to leave. The longer it stays; means they start to

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