Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Every year millions of animals are abused, injured, and hurt. It seems as if humans are not very concerned about animal rights according to these statistics.. Animal rights is the idea that animals should not have to suffer and be able to be in possession of their life. Some people are willing to sacrifice things such as certain brands of makeup or certain kinds of food to improve animal welfare. For many years animals have been experimented on and placed in factory farms. Factory farming is a method of producing food products where the factories value how much they produce and how much they profit over the welfare of the animals. These farms keep animals confined in small spaces and make the animals eat things they were not originally …show more content…

There should be more restrictions on how the animals are treated and the situations in which they can be experimented on. Hundreds of millions of vertebrate animals worldwide undergo animal experimentation each year. The animals being experimented on can become severely injured or sick because of what is tested on them and because of the conditions they are kept in. Over the years, many laws and regulations have been passed to improve the conditions in which the animals have to live. Testing on these animals has created multitudes of scientific breakthroughs. However, animal testing can be very cruel and can lead to the animals being killed or re-used for other experiments after if they do not die during the procedures. Using animals for testing should only be used for necessary experiments that need to be tested to save the lives of many people and should be regulated to not endanger or abuse …show more content…

There should be a penalty to harming an animal or keeping it in an uncomfortable environment. Is there a difference in harming a pet and animal experimentation? Because harming a pet and animal experimentation have different consequences. They both are harmful to animals and in most cases animal testing is more brutal and will cause more pain to the animals. Michael Walsh, a reporter for Yahoo news, stated that in May of 2016 Ohio passed a law that made it “a fifth-degree felony to knowingly harm a pet by inflicting pain or depriving it of food, water, or shelter.” He also states that “Under Ohio law, a fifth-degree felony is punishable by six to twelve months in jail and a $2,500 fine.” These laws make it so that it is okay to hurt, abuse, and deprive animals that are being tested on but not okay when done to animals that are used pets. The harmful treatment of animals, whether in a lab or in a home, should be punished in the same manner because hurting animals in any situation is wrong. Many people argue and say that testing on animals is different because it benefits humans. It tests if popular products are safe for everyone to use. Monkeys and mice are often used to test products. This is because the DNA of mice and monkeys are very similar to humans. It makes sense to test animals that closely related to humans because it can help people determine whether the product is

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