Persuasive Essay On Behaviour Change

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My chosen behaviour change topic is increasing my healthy eating. The reason why I have chosen this particular topic is because unhealthy foods has become such a major contribution towards my lifestyle and is something i need to improve right away as a young individual. My current pattern of behaviour is constantly consuming unhealthy foods three to four times a week which has caused me to gain weight and become very unfit. Whenever i have the chance to eat unhealthy i would take it. My daily routine consists of buying take away after or during working hours, snacking on lollies or chocolates during class breaks, visiting fast food restaurants or cafes, drinking sodas on a daily basis, and eating take away for dinner occasionally. My attitudes …show more content…

By inserting a SMART goal in my life, it can help me get to where i want to be which is eating healthier. My overall goal in life is to be a healthier me and having a positive mindset. I want to be active and eat healthy because i know if i start aiming high at a young age my long term future will be successful health wise. I truly believe I can reach that stage of being a healthy young women and achieving my goal. By having family/friends/coaches supporting me and watching my progress along the way will really motivate to succeed and maintain that goal. Having to take action needs 100% commitment. I need to be extremely motivated in order to reach my successful goal meaning preparing meals the night before, switching to a positive attitude, be in a better mindset, surrounding myself with other people who are reaching the same goal as i am and really focus on moving forward. My realistic goal is something so simple, but starting of with something easy will then follow through and become a bigger and better goal. By switching small things like avocado to butter, actually eating breakfast, adding more greens to my meal, adding fibre to my diet, basically replacing healthier options with unhealthier foods. If a habit can begin with something small and achievable i can gradually keep adding other small simple goals to receive a bigger outcome. My aim by November 2016 is to have a complete …show more content…

I fear that I wont reach the time frame I 've set for myself and could possibly be delayed which will lower my confidence and motivation. However by being organised and having good motivation i can overcome that doubt. My goal I 've set for myself is to eat completely healthy by November 2016 however one difficulty I most probably experience is laziness, unable to prepare meals the night before, lack of motivation and constantly being tired throughout the week. To overcome that obstacle good preparation must take place for example keeping a diary and recording personal progress. Another obstacle that I might face is negativity by individuals around me causing myself to be discouraged and think twice about my final goal. This can be solved by remaining positive and only interacting with people who are trying to reach the same goal. Wanting to reach this goal desperately lack of preparation may occur, however by following up meals, keeping track of the days to exercise, looking up recipes, and being on top of everything this will bring me one step closer to my ultimate

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