Persuasive Essay On Animal Cruelty

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Laws are not strong enough against animal cruelty and people do not know about this problem because it is not as prominent as others. Some of the reasons humans kill animals is for food, clothing, and entertainment. The way we kill animals in doing these are very brutal and inhumane. The only thing they care about is to produce a mass amount of meat, in a short period of time, and with little food to feed the animals. The last thing they are worried about is the animal itself and its feelings and needs.
Food factories are very disgusting places because of the way they kill animals. People are unaware of the conditions that these animals live in before they are killed and shipped to stores and restaurants. Each year in the United States alone, 42 million cows die for meat and dairy usage. When the cows are being transported to the factories, many of them die before they get there because they are rarely ever given food or water. Usually, the female cows are sent to dairy factories where they are impregnated many times and are separated from their calves. When they take the calves away, some are sent to feedlots, while others are kept in tiny crates to immobilize them and are fed an iron lacking diet so their flesh stays tender to be sold as veal. The female cows at the dairy factories are genetically manipulated, and drugged to get them to produce about four times more milk than usual. If a female cow can’t stand up they are kicked, electroshocked, or poked with sharp objects in order to get them to stand and are sent to be killed. The males are sent to feedlots where they force-fed, brand, castrate, and burn or cut off the horns of cattle without any medication. They are force-fed an unnatural diet that causes bloating in the stom...

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...should not be allowed to torture and beat the animals. The slaughterhouses and skin factories also need to come up with a more efficient way to briskly kill the animals. Unfortunately, because slaughterhouses are meant to kill animals, even if animals could talk, they would not get a chance to expose all the horrid things that happen there before they died, but they would probably be killed in a more human way. Animal circuses and zoos should be shut down all together and allow the animals go back to their natural habitats so the animals will not go insane and become a threat to themselves and humans. If animals could talk in circuses and zoos, there would be no doubt that all the things they do would come to light and be shut down. Since animals cannot talk in a way we can understand them, they look to people who will bring to light these terrible things for them.

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