Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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Breaking News: A police officer was driving home from eating her lunch when she noticed smoke coming from this old abandoned house. While she was driving by she stopped to check the scene. She heard a strange whine coming from inside the basement of the house. In that basement stood an innocent 2 year-old extremely burned pit bull terrier drenched with gasoline (Siebert). Animal cruelty is a plight in our society due to innocence of animals, service animals and stricter laws could reduce the number of people abusing animals. Animals are great at protecting us from anything that tries to harm us like break ins, someone you do not know at the door that is knocking. Also, they give us unconditional love when we need it the most like if you are …show more content…

If you do not know how to treat a dog or take care of one do not get one! It is as simple as that. One way to avoid the stress on the animal is to not take it places where the animal does not want to be. Let’s say for example you just got a new dog and wanted to take him to a new park well the dog is new in the house cuz he/she never been there before not to mention you are trying to take him to a new park which is filled with big/small dogs

This is a big mistake because when you take a dog to a new place with other dogs around him/she there's gonna be huge drama between you and your dog. But it also could be a good thing because your dog will get used to being with other dogs, also other people he/she will have more socialization.People who do not know how to take care of a dog or is not a good pet owner abuses the animal like “ Dog Fighting” they put the innocent poor little dog outside or inside a arena and make the dogs fight together until blood or one of them loses a limb they do it for their …show more content…

So please stop animal cruelty this is not a good thing and never will become a good thing. This has to be the most disgusting, heartless, disrespectful and untrustworthy thing you could do to such an animal. People are tired of animals becoming beaten all because their owners want them to be. They are dogs they are extremely smart and intelligent. But when they do something wrong and u abuse them for it their thinking “ what did i do wrong to deserve this?” they do not know any better like humans do. So ask yourself “ how would you feel if you were that animal?” getting beaten and neglected for no apparent reason at all just cause that owner wanted to do that. Think before you act is what they always

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