Persuasive Essay: Everyone Should Participate In Sports

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I believe that everyone should participate in sports. Sports take up a large chunk of Americans time; furthermore, we put a lot of emphasis on athletics. Sports should be a part of everyone's life because they provide multiple benefits to any age group. Being healthy is something everyone strives for as well having a unique learning environment that teaches us how to work as a team and how to handling the outcome of events. Athletics offer all of these things and more; therefore, I believe that sports should be an undoubted high priority in people's daily and or weekly lives. The easiest positive to athletics is indubitably the fact that they provide a full-packed time of exercise; therefore, sports are not only making us healthier but also making us smarter. It is proven that exercise actually allows our brain to produce more brain cells in which in the end will allow our brains to function at a higher levels. It is also known that one in every three kids and or teenagers are considered obese for their age. If more children were willing to participate in athletic activity, that statistic would change drastically as a result of the level of calories burned while being active. Sports not only contain challenging exercise but they supply …show more content…

The percentage of our population that is involved in such activities, are learning how to work with a team which benefits them in the long run; In addition, it will help them advance in their future careers. In the process of being with others, you learn how to tolerate others strengths and weaknesses and how to be a leader. Athletes now will have the ability to lead people outside of the athletic department and in the workforce as the future progresses. Athletes will be more successful because of their experiences of working with others and being able to handle the outcomes that turn out from different

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