Persuasive Essay: Doing The Right Thing?

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Put yourself in this situation, and think about this hard. You see a kid at school being bullied and another kid stealing from him. You can either choose to do the right thing and tell an adult. Or do the wrong thing and stand by laughing and video taping. I would hope you would go tell an adult. When we were younger,, the golden rule was “Treat others the way you wanted to be treated” and if you stole from someone, or lied to them. You wouldn’t want someone to lie/steal from you correct? Some people might lie, steal, and disobey you. But most people do the right thing and not do that. And they are honest.. Just like stories/poems/short stories etc. are about mostly doing the right thing. Just like in “The Road Not Taken” (Robert frost), …show more content…

Well so did the football players. In “Doing The Right Thing” by Rick Reilly four boys decided to enter a store that looked open. The store was accidentally unlocked when nobody was working. The football players could have stole from the from the stole but they decided to do the right thing. As is says in the article “These four young men that had some one when it mattered most.” (Reilly 24) This really meant something. The boys were comfortable and had someone to look up to when it was hard. Also in the text it says “For Biondi it was his mother. For Gallimore it was his whole family. Who now call him “Honest Abe” For James it was his father…” (Reilly 24) I think this gave them the courage to do the right thing because they didn’t wanna disappoint their families and the people they look up too. That's how the football players in “Doing The Right Thing” did the right …show more content…

He had to choose from the right path or the wrong one. In the poem it states, “Then took the other one just as fair…”(Frost 2). I chose this evidence because he is trying something new making the right decision. I feel like this would give the traveler courage and a clean slate because he's testing things out. Another piece of evidence to show that the traveler did the right thing is in the poem it says, “I took the one less traveled by, and that has all made the difference.” (Frost 4) I also chose this piece of evidence because it seems like the traveler wanted to do the right thing, because that line sounds like the path the traveler in his/hers life is the right one and most people don’t make the right decision and go down the wrong path. This is why I chose this. The traveler made the right

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