Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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Zoos have been in existence for centuries with records dating back to as late as the fourth century and they are places people can visit to see exotic animals that they would not otherwise be able to see. However, for as long as there have been zoos there have been people who are opposed to the idea of keeping animals in zoo settings. Many people do not support animals living in zoos because they do not believe wild animals should be kept in captivity or they believe many animals are not treated as they should be. There are also many people who are asking why zoos are so fought against because of the good that they seem to be doing. Many people show their support for zoos and other educational centers which have live animal collections. There are many reasons as to why zoos and educational centers with live animal collections are beneficial to the animals, the …show more content…

These people usually have multiple reasons as to why they think zoos should be banned. One of the more popular reasons as to why people think zoos should be banned include mistreatment of the animals. Animals can be very sensitive creatures who, at the hands of their keeper, might not have many means of defending themselves. There are many people who believe the animals are going to be mistreated in any setting with people. Some people think animals are being treated wrongly just by being brought into a zoo setting. They believe animals do not belong in places with people. This way of thinking causes people to come to an understanding that all animals are taken from their homes and from their mothers at very young ages and are then thrown into cages to live out the rest of their lives. It is believed that there are many animals who are poached and hunted just for the purpose of finding vulnerable babies to capture and throw into a cage to transport out of their home country to another place where they are used for

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