Persuasive Essay About English

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One of the most commonly asked questions we get as travel bloggers and vloggers aside from "Are you married?" Yes, people always question that... is "Damon and Jo, how do you guys learn languages so quickly?" or "How are you so good at speaking different languages?" We need you to hold up a hot second because it is never "easy," nor are we good at it right away! Every language learning process comes with struggles, embarassement, and eventually, just maybe, fluency. Recently I 've been determined to take on Italian. I threw myself in a situation where I had no choice but to speak Italian all day for ten days, and I started noticing that there are some severe symptoms that comes the journey to being a polyglot. If you feel one or more of these …show more content…

You might feel like a victim if everyone else is laughing and you don 't know why


One night, I went out to a night club in Italy with a group of 20-somethings, pretending to follow along with their intricate conversations with smiles and nods. As we 're walking through the crowd, some rando yells out "que bella figa," which one person told me was a compliment, another group of people started laughing, and others were horrified. I, of course, felt like crawling into a little hole beacuse I didn 't even have enough vocab to get a detailed meaning of the word. Thanks to Word Reference, I was able to get this bit of insight when I returned home. I still didn 't know how to feel.

4. You catch yourself being antisocial and learn how to tune things out

Your brain has to work at a level that it 's not used to, and when things get too complicated, you realize that you build a safety mechanism that allows you to have selective hearing. You also start avoiding conversations because of the fatigue that it causes you but don 't feed into this! It 'll be harder at first to get your points across or understand intricate dialogues, but don 't frame yourself as that big loser who has no personality because you have one, and there are ways to show it even without language. Bringing me to my next

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