Personality Type Of Intj Personality

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My personality type is INTJ. INTJ stands for introversion, intuition, thinking and judging. INTJs are called “The Architect”, because of their analyzing and relentless nature (INTJ Personality, par. 2). I think it suits me well, because most of the strengths and weaknesses of this type are accurate. Architects have quick and rational minds, high self-confidence and are hard-working and determined. They are also open-minded and like new ideas and concepts. They tend to be independent. I think my most accurate strength is determination and having a rational mind. Architect weaknesses are over-analyzing, clueless in romance and being judgmental. I don’t like to judge others if I can help it. It is a contradiction to being open-minded, I see that both are evident in my personality.
My personality fits the career well, because an analyzing nature is required to do well in the field of nuclear. INTJs love to work with complex systems that they can understand in depth (INTJ Career Success, par. 3). Nuclear science is a textbook INTJ’s dream field of study. One must be naturally curious to keep up with the amounts of learning and analyzing that goes on in many scientific careers. I have an even mix of introversion and extroversion; I love working both alone and with …show more content…

I am forever fascinated by philosophy, and the reasons things are the way they are. Since philosophy is a broad topic and sometimes focuses on many contemporary issues like physics, biology and law enforcement, it would be helpful to understand the code of conduct for these areas (Benefits of a Philosophy Major, par. 3). It would also help to understand the ethical boundaries of science and technology. Philosophy teaches people to think independently and be more open-minded, which aids problem-solving and creativity. A learning mindset is needed in the scientific industry, and philosophical people never stop learning new

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