Personality Theories Of Albert Bandura's Trait Theory

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Personality Theories
There are several types of personality theories which include the Trait Theory, Social Learning Theory, Situational Approach and Interactional Theory.
Trait Theory
These are inherited characteristics that will generally explain how a sports person behaves in a certain situation. It uncommon for these traits to change.
There are two main trait personalities:
The introvert-extrovert dimension explains how introverts seek calm environments with tasks requiring concentration while extroverts seek unexpected change and excitement are generally not good at tasks requiring concentration.
The stable-neurotic dimension is classified as either stable or unstable. Stable individuals are relaxed, calm and appear untroubled while unstable athletes are excitable, anxious and restless.
The Trait Theory alone cannot predict sporting success. A sports person with …show more content…

There are two main parts to this theory:
Modelling: Athletes model themselves on other performers, especially in the same sport and copy that sports person’s behaviour.
Reinforcement: This is when a performers behaviour is encouraged by a coach and they are likely to repeat that behaviour.
There are four stages to Bandura’s “observational learning” and explains how modelling influences a sports person’s personality and behaviour.
• Attention: What is leant through watch other sports performers.
• Retention: Retain an observed skill and learn to use that skill.
• Motor Production: Physically being able to complete that skill through repeated practice.
• Motivational Response: Encourage, motivate and review with the performer to complete any of the above stages.

Situational Approach Theory
This theory is about how an athlete behaves in different situations or environments and may be a more important theory than the Trait

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