Personality Disorder Research Paper

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There are many different types of Personality Disorders in the world that we all live in today that most people suffer from on a daily basis. Causing people to avoid certain situation throughout their lives. Some people live their lives as Antisocial or Avoidant, which it causes them to isolate themselves from society or even show little or no empathy towards other people, and people who suffer from these disorders don’t have a problem with breaking the law. According to (Steve Bressert, Ph.D). Most personality disorders have a long and enduring patterns of behavior so most people aren’t diagnosed until they are adults. Because when people are children they are constantly developing, and the personality is changing into adulthood. …show more content…

According to (American Psychiatric Association 2016). A personality disorder is a way of thinking, feeling and behaving that deviates from the expectations of culture causes distress or problems functioning, and could last over a long period of time. There are 10 personality disorders and there are grouped in three categories called “clusters”. The first cluster is called Paranoid personality disorder- meaning a thought of distrust and suspiciousness where people who suffer from this disorder feel that people are trying to harm them in a negative way or even deceive them. The second is called Schizoid personality disorder- where the person who suffers from this disorder shows a pattern of detachment from social relationship and a lack of emotional expression. The third cluster is called Schizotypal personality disorder- shows acute discomfort in close relationships, distorted in thinking or in the perception of the individual who suffers from this disorder. Treatment of personality disorders in America can be done by Psychotherapy it can help a person understand their actions and …show more content…

By having the perception of separation or rejection. The experience abandonment fears or even with an unavoidable change of plans can trigger them. Borderline personality disorder is more common in females than males 75% of diagnoses are made in females, it is believed that this disorder affects between 1.6 and 5.9% of the general population. People who suffer from borderline personality disorder may look up to a potential caregiver or lover at the first or second site of them, wanting that person to spend a lot of their time with them, and want to share their most personal experiences early inti the relationship. Then suddenly when a person who suffers from this disorder may quickly shift from looking up to that person to a sudden looking down to that person if they feel the person is not convenient or beneficial to them anymore. All this occurs when dealing with unstable relationships. They also have a shift in their self-image by shifting their goals on the career plan they set up for themselves, sexual identity, values and even the friends that they have. When suffering from (BPD) they can be needy for help or even can pose as if they have been mistreated, they might at times have feelings that they do not know exist at all. The experiences usually occur when put in a situation where they feel neglected or the

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