Outline: Borderline Personality Disorder

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Borderline Personality Disorder Research Paper Kathleen Gound NURA 209: Nursing IV Introduction Personality, defined by Merriam-Webster, is a set of enduring behavioral and mental traits that distinguish human beings from one another. Therefore, a personality disorder “is a type of mental illness in which you have trouble perceiving and relating to situations and to people—including yourself” (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). In general, someone who suffers from a personality disorder has a long-term pattern of behaviors and emotions that are very different from the society’s view of “normal”. Personality disorders are separated into several clusters as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Cluster A includes disorders of the personality that are odd or egocentric. These include paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder (National Institute for Mental Health, 2009). Cluster B includes the dramatic, emotional, or erratic personality disorders. This cluster includes antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder (NIMH, 2009). The final cluster, Cluster C, includes avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (NIMH, 2009). These personality disorders are categorized as anxious and fearful disorders. The term borderline personality disorder (BPD) was termed by Adolph Stern in the 1930s to describe a group of people on a “borderline” between neurosis and psychosis (SITE). Today, BPD is described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as “a pervasive patt... ... middle of paper ... ... the underlying problem is being ignored and it will never resolve. In the future, awareness of borderline personality disorder and other mental illnesses is critical.We need to be rewired to say the least. Our society needs to better informed on mental illness.These clients should not be ashamed of something they cannot choose to change. As healthcare professionals, we need to become more involved and lend a helping hand to those suffering from mental illness. Conclusion Borderline personality disorder is the most common personality disorder. By creating relationships and better understanding BPD, mental health professionals can effectively aid those who suffer from BPD. With proper support from the healthcare team, family members, and the community, borderline personality disorder can be effectively controlled and treated. TIE IN ACUTE PORTION AS WELL! REFERENCES

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