Personal Review: Good To Great By Jim Collins

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As I read Jim Collins’ novel, Good to Great, I couldn’t help but apply his findings about going from good to great to my own self. “Good is the enemy of great” (Collins 1). Right away, Collins captured my attention with this harsh but extremely accurate statement. Throughout my life, I have always been Good. I was a good runner, a good writer, and a good student. I was good at DECA, good at basketball, and good at math. I was good enough at running to earn a varsity spot (sixth in seven spots), good enough at writing to pass the AP language test (with the minimum passing score of 3), and a good enough student to get into KBS (twelfth in my class out of two hundred and fifty). My desire to be good at so many things was what ultimately caused me to never be great at one or two things. Like many of the comparison companies in Collins novel, I was attempting to spread myself out over too many things rather than just being focused and great at one or two things. …show more content…

I realize now that I shouldn’t strive to be Good at everything that I do. I should strive to be Great at one or two things that I’m passionate about. Focusing the majority my energy on one or two things will allow me to become Great. Another one of Collins’s focuses in Good to Great was the Hedgehog Concept, which included passion, skills, and doing what can make you money. Part of what makes a business or a person become Great is that they’re passionate about the things that they do. This was also something that stood out to me. Currently, I’m a Finance major. Although I’m good at it, I strongly dislike math. Obviously, Finance is not the right field for me to go into. Because of this realization, I’ve decided to switch my major from Finance to

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