Personal Narrative: The Worst Year Of My Life

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In every person’s life there’s a time when their expectations are shattered and something isn’t what they thought it would be. For me, that was my junior year of high school. I was a verdant child up until that point. I never could imagine that I would be exposed to things like bullying in a personal way. I only saw the best in people which blind sighted me from the real truth. Not everyone is nice. It was a lesson that I needed to learn the hard way. It was a hard year but I can honestly saw that looking back at it, I wouldn’t change a thing. It helped shaped so much of who I am today. Though it can be deemed as the worst year of my life, what it produced will last a lifetime. The alarm went off. It was 7 a.m. when I jumped up out of my bed. I quickly made my way to the shower where I was eager to begin my day. I felt like I was floating on cloud nine. I was anticipating what I thought would be a wonderful new chapter in my life. The thoughts that haunt every kid on the first day of a new school began to race across my head.
“Will they like me?”
“Will …show more content…

I thought that everything was going to be great in this new school. I thought I would’ve made an augmented size of friends. Instead, I felt like a living freak show walking the hallways of my school. I would get glances as people would whisper the rumors to one another. I felt isolated in a crowd of people. A certain loneliness came over me. I had never felt so vulnerable before. Sometimes, I would actually cry in school because it had gotten so out of hand. My anxieties became worse by what seemed to be the hour. There was never a moment in my mind when I wasn’t thinking about how someone was judging me. I even started to judge myself. My Bible teacher that year helped me understand that people were going to judge me no matter what I said or did so I would have to rely on the Lord to transform the hearts of the guys into a heart of Christlike

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