College esssayy

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Becoming the person I am today wasn't easy especially because I was never like this, I was usually that kid who sat by themselves would not socialize and avoid everyone. Because from elementary school all the way till 8th grade I was bullied by people who just wanted to bother me for the heck of it. I can’t explain that inner feeling from inside when you hear people say horrible stuff to you. To me this famous quote “stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”, was a lie and it did hurt. One spring evening after a difficult day of school in elementary school, I was chased home by a group of kids that have been pushing me around, name calling, taking my stuff and humiliated me from the past months. I never grew the strength to stand up to those people because I was afraid of them hitting me afraid if they will spread rumors. Thank god when I graduated 5th grade I thought finally i will leave and never see those idiots ever in my life sadly when I entered middle school some of those kids entered the same school I was in and it kept on the harassment the name call...

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