Personal Narrative: The Way I Read

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When I was young, I never got introduced to writing but only reading. I got introduced to reading when I was young. I can remember many nights when my parents would read to me and occasionally I would try and read to them. It never crossed my mind that I should write my own story or even write at all. Being the oldest in my family limited the amount of people that could read to me which got frustrating at times when nobody wanted to read to me. The older I got the less interested I became about reading. When my parents first started reading to me they would read multiple books to me a day. When I could finally understand them I would always carry books to them to read to me everyday. My favorite thing to do would be listen to my parents read …show more content…

We would learn new words during school and when I got home I would try find the words I knew in the books we had at home. I always wanted to learn new words and try read books that i have never looked at before. Reading was a fun thing to do at this age and I loved when my parents would say they can read with me. In first grade we got tested on our reading level and this was a scary moment in my life. Reading with the teacher alone was nerve-racking. The moment when the teacher comes in the door to call on the next student was terrifying every time. When the teacher called my name in front of the class my stomach dropped and my heart started beating faster and faster. When I was reading alone with the teacher I was so nervous I would stumble on words I thought for sure i knew already. Ever since that day I hated when we had to read in school. In fourth grade, reading was not a top interest of mine. I loved playing sports and staying active. At this age, sitting around and reading a book was just not enough for me. I loved playing games with my family and friends. When I got home from school I would always be doing something to entertain myself. Some of the things I would do after school would be play with my dog and play tag with my friends when they came over. I did not enjoy reading in school and at home I didn't read much at all. I had a lot of energy and preferred doing something

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