Personal Narrative-The Sorcerer's Home

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The Wizards Home 1 People who don't have too much money envy the rich. They find that being average is not enough. I think differently. My children think differently. Many people of this world, who are not wealthy or average, think differently. We envy being average. No matter how much I work I'm still poor. My children live a life different than any other "normal" children's life. It's a very rare occasion for me to get clothes for my children. Another problem I find is that when they come back from the school I send them to their clothes are almost in rags. Both of my sons look beaten up. This makes life even harder. Kids in that school know how poor we are and that is been the same for years. A slice of stale bread with margarine spread. I hate to give my only two children all of …show more content…

I could start to see the top of the huge building I work in. My job is to take ads out of the printers in the building and posting them all over town. I get an hourly rate of 5 bucks. As I get near the building I see a white crisp piece of paper taped to the door. "What could this be?" I wonder out loud. As I got closer I could read some of the words on the paper. So far I could see "Demolish, and 10/15." My eyes widen as thought, "Does this mean that they will demolish my work place!?!" Then I realize something. TODAY IS NOVEMBER FIFTEENTH! As I get closer my eyes widen as I read more of the sign. I open and close my eyes to see if I am seeing right. “OUCH!” I yell as I pinch myself to make sure I’m not having a nightmare. I plop down on the flour and start crying. The sign said “New Condominiums Coming Soon. Building Demolition date is 10/15. Construction starts 10/25.” This can’t be happening. If they tear down this place I’ll be workless. Soon I’ll be homeless! “NOOOOO!” I yell. I start walking back home when a strange little man comes up to

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