Personal Narrative: The Lunch Table

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The Lunch Table It was my first day in middle school. School had already started a week ago, and I moved from a different place. I was nervous for my first day at the new school, but I was thrilled and eager to make new friends. I was not that social nevertheless, I was polite, respectful and mannerly. I was also afraid that people would not like me because I had an awful accent. The day was going marvelous, and I was getting comfortable until lunch arrived, when I met a new person. During lunch, I was sitting alone at a table which was at one of the corners of the cafeteria because I did not know anyone. The cafeteria was humming with joy due to everyone talking and laughing that filled the air with excitement. The table I was sitting at was long, and looked hefty with more than enough room for six people to sit. I was quietly sitting at the table hoping someone would come up to me and ask me to sit with them, I waited, but no one came up. After a while, I noticed people giving me strange looks, and some people did not even notice me which made me feel uncomfortable. By the strange looks, I felt that people thought that I had no friends, and that I was not social. I wanted lunch to go by quickly, but the time seemed to pass as slow as a snail. Just then, someone whom I have had never met before came up to me. …show more content…

“Yes,” I responded. I was initially thinking of saying no, but I said yes without consciousness. I did not think someone would come sit with me; however, I was hoping someone was going to call me over to their own table instead. He sat next to me and started eating. He started eating really fast as if he was as hungry as a bear. I wanted to start a conversation, but I did not know what to say. I sensed silence coming to the table, making things scary and awkward. “What is your name?” I asked, although it was horrifying breaking the awkward

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