Personal Narrative: Starting My Day

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Starting My Day 1 First I arrive at work and use badge to enter the building 2 Next I have to go through security check which requires my purse and its contents (cellphones turned off, no pencils, pens or paper, not even eyeliner nothing that can be used to write on or with. 3 Then I arrive at my desk and put away all prohibited material which is my purse and cellphone they must be locked in my desk until my break or lunch. 4 Then I am allowed to clock into work and begin my day. 5 Next, I await my manager to do a desk sweep and run last clearance check which consists of some of the same previous checks the only difference is assurance of purse being locked away. 6 After receiving final clearance from my operations manager I receive a four-digit code to log into the work computer. 7 Then I login into company …show more content…

It will also inform you of what your totals for the upcoming month will be from that period of time. Also this is one of the most important tools the company provides you to keep you focused, aware and prepared due to each month your collection goals increasing so those with tenure like me are able to keep our checks and balances. 11 Next I check my voicemails and emails for company, customer, legal, credit consulting association, and internal revenue correspondences that might require a call back or response email. Each employee must first and foremost respond to any contact made. The reason for this is strictly due to sometimes cease and desist has been ordered and if you contact them you have broken the law. In which these can cause the company to be liable if taken to

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