Personal Narrative: The Black Lives Matter Movement

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Over the course of the last few months I have been stepping back from my daily routine to observe in as wide a scope as possible, the endless number of things happening. As I mentioned earlier, for many years I made it a point to keep my spiritual life separate from my personal. Furthermore, the news seemed to be an endless meditation on negativity; draining to say the least. From where I stand now imposing that artificial separation between spiritual and person seem rather trite and juvenile, despite the fact that it was beneficial for a time. But realistically speaking so much has changed from my childhood to the present day. Without irony or cynicism it can be clearly stated that we are a global culture. It's hard to imagine a scenario where proximity to a worldwide event, if its great enough in magnitude can confer immunity to from the subsequent ramifications. No matter how far we are from the source or …show more content…

About a week ago it just so happened to be the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther Kings Riverside Church speech, and perhaps coincidentally the NY Daily News published a story indicating the extent to which the Black Lives Matter movement was infiltrated by undercover police. I asked around on my Facebook page and in person to friends and family if anyone saw the irony? Many people didn't know MLK was wiretapped and placed under surveillance by the FBI who in addition worked on coercing Dr King to commit suicide. There are few things as amazing as being in meditation with other dervishes, yet once we cross that threshold again and re-enter the world, the threat of systemic abuse and exploitation are palpable again and a weight is hung on one's shoulders, (at least

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