Personal Narrative: Social Injustice

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Chill dudette dude! I think you're looking for an excuse to feel butt hurt over some perceived social injustice. I still have to disagree with your interpretation of the other comment that offended you. The comment before that hoping Shkreli would be raped daily forever didn't offend you? A man being forcibly sodomized is ok but a gay person being raped is offensive? Whatever. I think the other comment was making fun of the fact that if he was gay getting a daily infusion while in prison would be something Shkreli enjoyed. He was disputing the notion of rape. You can liken it to some 'unfortunate' scenario where I was sexually assaulted by Daniela Lopez Osorio
. The reality is that some 'men' look at a hairy ass the same way I look at Daniela's!

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