Personal Narrative: Parking Water

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As Julie and her family are looking for a parking spot, she watches a large amount of people all walking towards the same place. Everyone is dressed in their swim suits and carrying their huge umbrellas, bright colored towels and their ice chests. Watching everyone just makes her become impatient and more eager to want to get out of the car and to finally go to where she has been waiting for since last summer. Julie and her family finally found a parking spot and they took everything out that they brought, similar to what the people that she was watching had brought. Julie looks up at the light blue sky and sees all the white seagulls soaring around in the sky. As she walks closer, her feet begin to sink in the dry, hot sand. She takes a big sniff and smells the salt from the water in the air. She hears laughter from little kids running into the water and then running out right away because it’s cold. She sees other little children playing in the sand making sand castles with their plastic buckets and small shovels. She sees two young boys throwing a football to each other and she also sees a group of girls and boys playing volleyball. Of course her first thought is to run into the water just like what everyone else …show more content…

As she was walking in the smooth sand where the water met the land, she noticed all the small and big pebbles implanted into the sand. Every now and then she would find a seashell to add to her collection. She then came across this seashell that interested her. It had a hole that was big enough to place your ear in and it was white with brown colored marks on it. Julie put her ear in to find out what she would hear. She heard what sounded like the waves in the ocean. After finding a few more seashells, Julie walked back to where her stuff was at and found her family was still walking around. She then lay down under the umbrella and relaxed her

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