Personal Narrative: My Trip To Mississippi

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One of our last vacations we went on was a trip to Mississippi. The main reason we went is because my mom’s parents lived down there. I was so happy that we were going on vacation and I was super excited we were going to visit our grandparents. The only bad part about this trip is that we had to drive and I didn’t like long car rides. My parents told my sister and I that is was about an eighteen hour drive with stopping so they told to make for sure to bring some stuff that would keep us occupied. So I brought coloring books my DSI some toys and lots of movies. At the beginning, it wasn’t that bad, but towards the end it was horrible. After driving for hours it seemed like we were driving my whole life away, but once we got there the drive didn’t seem so bad …show more content…

We packed a lunch to eat on the way and our swimsuits and drinks and a whole bunch more. On the way there we got to see dolphins doing some tricks and we took lots of pictures. When we finally got there we found a spot on the beach, then we ran down to the water. We played in the ocean and took lots of family pictures and just had so much fun with each other. After being there for almost the whole day we heading back to the ship to go back to our grandparents house. When we got there we all took showers, ate one last meal with them and headed off to be, so we could get up early in the morning and head back home. I wasn't ready to leave we had so much fun and I for sure wasn’t looking for the long drive back home. I hated that we had to leave so earlier. I hated that we never got to see them as much as we used to. I hated that our vacation just flew by. I hated that the next time we would see them would be like next year. After being in the car for a lifetime, it felt like we back home. The day we left Mississippi I was already missing my grandparents and thinking of how much fun we had the past four

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