Personal Narrative: My Trip To Hawaii

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Inventions from modern technology are the keys to keep memories and past times alive. The camera exemplifies this concept perfectly since cameras give us the ability to relive precious moments. In spring of 2012, my parents, my siblings, and I went on a trip to the tropical islands of Hawaii. On crisp cool thursday night we decided to go to a luau. The weather and the setting of the luau could not have been any better. At the luau the hotel provided a professional photographer for family portraits. After waiting in line for what felt like forever, we were up next to take our picture. Every morning I walk by the picture hanging in our breakfast room and I look back and admire our difference in appearance, choice of accessories and clothing, …show more content…

After sitting restlessly for four and a half hours waiting for the airplane to land I took a nice long glare out my window. As I admired the beauty of the crystal clear ocean I noticed a family of whales leaping in and out of the water. The moment I saw those whales I knew the trip was going to be great. After a full day of travel we decided to just relax by the pool for the remainder of the day. The next day we swam in the ocean all day, we snorkeled, fished, and surfed until the sun began to set. On our walk back to the hotel out of the corner of my eye I noticed a sign advertising the annual hotel luau. My siblings and I have always wanted to go to a Luau so we all begged our parents to take us. An hour or so later we were all changed and ready to go to our first luau. As we walked into the luau cameras flashed at us from all directions. With the feeling of a movie star I confidently walked towards our table. Out of nowhere a man stopped my family to try to persuade us to take a family photo. The setting was perfect, swaying palm trees, the crystal clear beach, and choppy waters, all the known and loved features of Hawaii. After only five or six tries the famous breakfast room family picture was taken. Immediately after we took our photo we hustled to pay the photographer so we can go enjoy the show and dinner. Thanks to our iconic family portrait I can relive this fantastic family vacation each and every

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