Personal Narrative: My Struggle With My Weight

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I always had a struggle with being confident, especially because of my weight. I always hated myself and I still hate myself for being fat, when people see that you’re fat, they always assume that you can’t do anything or you can’t wear anything. I would always get bullied because of my weight and I would always question myself, “Why did I had to be like this?, why couldn’t I be like the other girls?”. I would always be sad because of my weight and how people would treat me, sometimes I didn’t even wanted to get up and go to school and I was only in eighth grade. My school sometimes had special days where you could be out of uniform, I would always participate but I would always be scared, I would be scared of what people thought about me. …show more content…

I went to the mall with my parents to look for a dress and I wasn’t really in the mood, there was one store that caught my eye because it was specifically for plus size teens. We went into the store and all they way in the back were all the dresses. Me and my mom started looking for dresses, I would try one on and say no, another one, no, another one, no. After I tried on ten dresses there was one that I really liked, it was a long, white navy blue dress and it was beautiful, I fell in love with the dress, but then I thought to myself, “What would they think about me?” I bought the dress with fear, fear of what they’re going to think or of what they’re going to say. It was the day of the graduation pictures and I had asked my sister in-law if she could do my hair and makeup, and she said yes. I was all done and I look in the mirror and I didn’t even recognize myself, I looked like a whole different person, I was happy how everything turned out, but then the thought came to my head, “What are they going to think about …show more content…

At last I got up and looked for an outfit and did my hair. I didn’t even eat breakfast because I was so nervous. I got into the car and all I can think about is “What are they going to think about me, are they going to bully me?” I managed to calm down and not to think about too much. I arrived at the school and my uncle gave me some good advice before going in. He said, “Look mija I know you might be nervous but all you need to do is focus on your education and not focus on other people because those people are just getting in your way of your dreams, if someone tells you something then just ignore them because they are not worthy of your time, just focus on yourself.” I felt a big relief when he gave me that advice, I felt much better, I wasn’t as nervous as I was before. I actually wanted to go in the school and start my day. I went inside and looked for my friends. I had finally found my friends and we started screaming and hugging each other because we haven’t seen each other for a long time. They all complimented me on how I looked and I felt kinda happy but I was still nervous and scared. It was first period and I had trouble looking for the class and I didn’t want to ask anyone because I was so shy and nervous so I just looked for myself. I finally found my class and I went in,

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