Personal Narrative- My Plan to Become Financially Independent

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There is a point in everyone’s life where they will have to become financially independent. For some people this can be a difficult process, and for others it’s easy. Being financially independent usually takes time, and it will take longer for some people. The best thing to do is start young and develop a plan. Becoming financially independent mainly depends on how much you want to work for it. Becoming financially independent is important to me because I have depended on people almost my whole life for things, and it is time I need to be able to depend on myself. I will start my planning by graduating high school, going to college to earn a degree, also during this time I will continue to work a part time job. If I do all as planned I should live the life I want to live. The first thing on my list is to graduate high school. I will accomplish this by working hard in my classes to achieve good grades. Being my senior year, I plan to really concentrate on my school work to help get a better grade point average (G.P.A). By earning a higher G.P.A. it can help lead to scholarships,...

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