Personal Narrative-My Mom Is My Hero

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America & Mom
What makes person a hero? Is it fighting for your country in war, rescuing a “damsel in distress,” or being the one to discover cancer? All of that is heroic, but being a hero can mean many things and be the simplest things. To me, it is being brave and strong when all seems doomed. It is sacrificing things for the better of someone else. It is the smallest act of kindness that was not expected. My mother, Susan Marie McCartney, is my hero.
Sue McCartney gave birth and raised eight kids with discipline and unconditional love. Although she was a wonderful elementary teacher, after she had my oldest brother, Sue became a stay-at-home mom because she is a person who sacrifices things that she worked so hard for, for her children. I will occasionally find a scripture quote sticking to the bathroom mirror, and as my mom drops me off to school, she calls out, “Be the light of Christ!” meaning for me to be an example of God in everything I do that day. My mom gave all of my older siblings McDonald's gift cards so that if we ever see homeless people, we can feed them in a way. She believes that it is so important that I become a kind, honest, and giving person and I have come to be grateful for that.
When my dad lost his job, times were …show more content…

She pushes me in my academics, sports, and just about anything because, for some reason, my mom believes I can do just about everything. In school, my mother always expects me to work and study hard, and when it comes to athletics, I look forward to going on runs with my mom because she helps me get stronger and faster. Sue McCartney somehow finds the time to coach my volleyball team, (although she has never played the sport herself), take me to piano lessons, or whatever extra curricular activity that is going on for me and my sibling that season. It takes a lot of love to do and sacrifice so much so that your children can reach for the stars and follow their

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