Most Impactful Individual In My Life

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The most impactful individual in my life is my mother, Samantha Jarvis, and that is because, she is the one person I know will always be there for me and guide me when I need help. Its safe to say that I would not exist without her (and my dad) and while that is physically true, I also believe that I would not the person I am today without her. My mom has always encouraged me, even from a young age, to chase my passion for learning and find the answers to my questions. She is the one, I get most of morals, ideals, and work ethic from. My mom is one of those people who give a lot and expect nothing in return. She has been the sole provider of my family for the past 18 years due to my father having a broken back and being unable to work. She also the one that does the cleaning around the house, runs errands around town, takes time off work or skips lunch to take me or my sibling to therapy or, to the doctor’s office, and just about everything else. …show more content…

My mother is responsible for the single most impactful event in my life, aside from my birth, and that would be getting treatment for my severe anxiety. My history with mental health began when I was about five or six and, was a picky

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