Personal Narrative: My Life In New York City

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I awake in the city of horns and motor vehicles. I glance toward the sunrise to find it blocked by a building. I slowly flop myself out of bed and into the shower. I wash off all the misery from my sleep in that dreadful bed, I wallow into my clothes and roll down the stairs to breakfast. This is always a soothing meal, but it could never replenish the pain of living in the city. Leaving my apartment, I have arrived at the elevator to find it closed, I live on the 36th floor, now walking down the stairs and out the front doors to try and grab a cab. I am waving it down as one pulls over to me, I open the door and a man, dressed in a suit, steals my cab. I rush to find another one, but they all seem to be full. At last, I have found one, coming straight to me. The cab pulls to the curb and I open the door to find the driver speaking another language. At this point I realized it has been gonna be a long day. After arriving at my place of work, This huge corporation in the middle of Manhattan that had a building 72 stories high, I work in the skyscraper that blocked my view, I walk through the doors and to the elevator, this one works, Walk on and push floor …show more content…

The aroma of fresh Chrysanthemums was a smell worth a whirl. I ran through the woods and ran into a creek, feeling the fresh air move through my lungs. I stopped and looked down upon the creek, and noticing it was crystal clear. So I leaned in for a drink and looked up to see a four legged animal. It had no antlers or horns but it was light brown with a white belly, it too was drinking from the creek. The animal had a two toed hoof and was very light on its feet to not make a sound. I watched the creature finish its drink and sprint off into the woods away from me. I realized that this is what the world should revolve around. With the city life behind me now, I was now officially at

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