Personal Narrative: My Life As A Middle School Student

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As a middle school student, specifically an eighth grader in the Bronx I was going through a lot of changes. This was also the first year that I completed without taking a leave to attend medical matters. Considering my many absences due to my mother having me attend with her to her appointments to interpret and fill out paperwork, I was a good student. I was a bit older than most students. At this point in time, I was realizing that I did not have many friends and that was ok. I was not liked by many students; I was even cropped out of the year book in a couple of instances. Even though I did not have many friends, and my overly controlling mother started stirring the pot when I was choosing a high school, I knew that I wanted to be an artist. I did not have any skills, just a passion for singing and drawing. Somewhere, somehow I knew that I wouldn’t …show more content…

Unfortunately, I am able to say that this was my case. I was thoroughly counting on my cousin to pick me up from my orientation; since that was not the case, I was stranded with no money, no idea where I was all with the things I was brought. For my advantaged, I am a light-but-well-prepared packer (except of money, of course). I was very fortunate however that one of the staff on campus took a liking of me. She helped me find money through student accounts or perhaps someone’s pocket so that I could get home. I got lost plenty of times just trying to find the bus stop and plenty more at the Port Authority Terminal. When I finally made it home that day, I was went straight to my place. I was particularly salty, and probably still am. Still, that experience, has taught me three things. Always carry a credit card, know when to ask for help and or directions, and to never rely on my own family. Without that experience, I would probably have a harder time traveling alone

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