Personal Narrative: Middle School

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Life is made up of choices. We chose to go to school, choose to be brave and most importantly we choose to smile. I've never been the person to be open emotionally, when it comes to opening up I find the quickest way to change the subject. Middle school was like going through the Mean Girls movie, without the miraculous happy ending. I was lost, an outcast. Have you ever smiled for the wrong reason? Smiling has always been easier than explaining why I'm sad, sometimes all I could do was smile and hold back my tears. I had smiled for so long I didn't know if it was real or not, I thought if I smiled long enough I would forget about being sad, but it only worked for a little while. I came to a new school trying to start a new life by changing the girl people thought was annoying. …show more content…

To fit in I became like those who made me feel small, that girl who was happy once, was lost inside me and all I could do was try to search for her. I became the one who judged the girl who felt out of place, I wasn't strong enough to understand that I shouldn't of cared about what they thought of me, I should've chosen to be me, instead I lost myself trying to please others. Like a prison I was stuck as somebody else, I became the bully, I disappeared into someone unrecognizable. Nothing was enough, that bully that I had become for them wasn't enough, I was still nothing, the ugly and annoying girl, I wasn't brave enough to stand for myself when I was pushed into a locker or attacked on social media, all I did was cry and all I heard was the word ugly replaying in my

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