Personal Narrative: My Identity As A Writer

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My identity as a writer has evolved and grown as I have through out my life. As a young child in school my writing identity was far from what it is today as a nineteen year old university student. My identity as a writer has been influenced by my social contexts and my culture along the way. My identity as a writer has been constructed by my life experiences. As children we are taught to write about the world around us, the people in our lives and our own personal experiences this allows us to write a primary narrative where we tell stories about our own lives or close members of social circles such as our parents (Huili, 2005). I remember as a child we would write stories about what we did during our school holidays or on the weekends. As …show more content…

To write the memoir I had to recall a memory with a strong emotion, for me this was the feeling of being terrified of loosing a loved one. The first step was to recall the memory and take note of which details I remembered. Next it is important to ‘hook’ the reader, memoirs open with a strong opening sentence to engage the reader, these normally introduce the character. The opening sentence in my text was “Back against the wall hoping for support.” This showed that my piece was going to be about an emotion that made me feel weak and hopeless. Another step in the process of writing a memoir is to not waste words. As a writer its important to choose which words to include and which words not to. This is done throughout the entire writing process, as you write you’re choosing the words that going on the page but also as you re-read and edit your work you are constantly changing the words you use to try and make sentences flow better or to make a reader understand what you are trying to say (Loane, 2017). In my text I never named the emotion I was feeling, instead I used other words to describe the emotion, I believe that this causes the reader to read in more detail and process what you are trying to

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