Personal Narrative: My Highschool Years

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My 4 years at VISA feel like they had gone by quickly, although this can be easily explained by studying our minds. When we were younger, we had more novel experiences such as learning how to read, walk, do multiplications, sing. These memories are deeply remembered by our brain, which causes them to feel like they happened over a longer period of time. The more things you do, the more novel experiences you have, the slower time feels and the more rich it feels. Which brings me to my highschool years.

I spent my highschool years taking it slow, doing and taking the easy classes. I regret it, because I wish I had taken classes such as psychology and astronomy which is currently being taught. I wish I would've taken the opportunity to try something and learn something new. This isn't an example you should all follow, I say take advantage of the classes being offered to you and going to clubs that you are being presented with. Not only does it look better on your resume/ college application, you get to try something and learn something new in the process. There's also the chance of getting to know new people, people you might never have taken the chance to know. …show more content…

Now, I don't remember how to play it anymore but it was a great experience. Mrs. Guerrero had taught me to, essentially, bring the best I could into the class. In that same year, I also taught myself how to be competitive. There was someone else, who was just as good as playing the cello as I and I felt like I always needed to one up him. This is also an important skill, not just for college, but for life. In life you'll always be competing with others for a position at a job, or something like that. You need to learn how to be competitive and always try to one up the next guy. You have to be the best of the best in a capitalist country, you need to be efficient. If you're not, then why hire

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