Personal Narrative: My High School Graduation

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I would be lying if I said not knowing certain things won't hurt me. Most of you might think I'm being theatrical about my position, but having a relative's birthday party being planned the same day of my high school graduation without my concern is quite serious to me, but finding out the day of my graduation is even more humiliating. I always had the impression to be the baby of the family it always meant to have more attention and valued higher to be the last child in high school and finally graduating. In my family's eyes that legitimately didn't matter.

May is the most preserving month of the year in general and in my family. Mostly birthdays take place in this very month, but for once I just wanted it to be about me for once in my life. It was soon after prom I started to make sure my family members with my graduation date, time, and location. As the date got closer I tried not to agitate my siblings as much, but I was anxious about the aftermath of the event. The celebration of not only graduating but the first child in my whole family to go to college and on the athletic scholarship to an out of state university. I was proud of myself I expected my family to be as well, consequently not as proud and excited I expected them to be. …show more content…

A day before the ceremony I walked in on my mom and sister talking about decorations and cake orders, being noisy of course I asked what for "Something you shouldn't be worried about" my mom said. In my head, I'm thinking "How sweet my family is actually doing something in my honor of graduating," so now I'm unquestionably eager for this day to come

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