Personal Narrative: My Hero Lionel Sternberger

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My hero is Lionel Sternberger because he invented the most delicious food in the world. The Cheeseburger! In 1926 Lionel Sternberger was experimenting and he dropped and piece of american cheese onto a hamburger patty. Then later called it the Cheeseburger. To me Cheeseburgers are like little drops of heaven. He was 16 years old when he created the cheeseburger. Well the cheeseburger is the best thing in the world so without him it would be bad. I mean don’t eat cheeseburgers all the time. But when I do it is the best. I don’t know if he was a compassionate person but he is my hero. I know that just because he slapped a piece of cheese on a beef patty it doesn't make him a hero. But I think that Lionel Sternberger did a little more than

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