Personal Narrative: My First Runner Race

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The day was overcast, which made the coaches and runners nervous. This was our final race of the season, and although there was regionals for the older, faster members of our team, this was the last time we would be competing. People were breaking off of the group at intervals, going to the races they had been signed up for. There were periods when there were only a few sitting in our section and others when there were many sitting with us. Although we were sitting there was a lot of energy, not only coming from us, but also from the other teams surrounding us. Everyone was screaming, cheering on the runners that were representing our school, and when they were anywhere near close to the first runner we were up on our feet, clapping and cheering them on.
My races were later on in the day, and I was trying not to think about it too much, knowing id psych myself out. While we were waiting for our races people were doing anything from reading to stretching out. A couple friends and I were looking over notebooks, note cards, and AP NSL study guides, trying to prepare ourselves for the stress of our first AP test. We were quizzing each other, reading passages aloud and blurting out fun facts. The upper classmen were laughing at how stressed we …show more content…

Then came my last race. The one that everyone was pumped for, 4X100. The race is run by four people, who each run one hundred meters. About a half hour before the race, when we were warming up, the more experienced runners came up to the four of us and began to coach us. The main thing they focused on was how to pass the baton when transitioning. Because the transition occurs when both people are sprinting it is difficult to execute perfectly. Because this is so difficult I was starting to get nervous. We practiced so many times I knew exactly what to do exactly when and where to do it, but was still nervous because my hands were shaking so

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