Personal Narrative: My First Heart Surgery

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In our lives we face multiple challenges. It makes you feel like tomorrow won’t come or that the sun won’t shine again. We wonder when the pain will stop or if the hardest days of our lives will be the last. At a very young age, my journey of hardest days were just about to start for me. This journey of mine began on the day I took my first breath on this beautiful earth. Seconds after that moment, life handed me my first challenge. On April 27th 1995, I had my first heart surgery. It was an easy repair, and I was healed. Just check in with a doctor every 6 months to make sure it stays the same. They told me I was able to grow up and live a stress free life from here on out. So I took that news and ran with it. I started swimming when I was five years old. …show more content…

Right there and then I felt what it was like to have state anxiety. The fear of not performing again was petrifying. So needing more answers I took my news and went to doctor who had more knowledge about my situation. Reaching out to DuPont hoping to get clarity, they just agreed with my last doctor and on top of it they wanted to mediate me. With this medication it would thin my blood and I would have greater chances of passing out. I couldn’t agree with them, I begged my mom to take me somewhere else. I couldn’t handle the stress of the medication on my body. Then later that month we took the news from DuPont and ended up at Johns Hopkins. They specialized with kids who had heart problems and analyzed the diagnosis with a different approach. They thought it was rare that at such a young age I would be experiencing this dramatic of a heart defect. From there they started doing genetic testing to see if they could pin point anything that could cause this defect. After 6 months of research and genetic testing I got a call back from my doctor to come in and discuss their findings. I was diagnosed with Marfans Syndrome

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