Personal Narrative: My Accomplishments In College

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One of my biggest accomplishments thus far in college has been the semester I found balance in doing things I love. I was only taking two classes at my college, but I was also working at the boys and girls club, participating in a club on campus, mentoring two high school girls, and volunteering at my church multiple days a week. I was forced to manage my time and find a balance of taking care of myself while maintaining college, work, and caring for others. To some this may not be a big deal, but to me it was huge. In order to do this, I learned to use my planner every day. I wrote down everything I had to do and every place I needed to be. Using my planner helped me a ton, but it wasn't what ultimately provided me with the balance I needed to handle my busy schedule. …show more content…

I spent time writing in my journal almost every day. I also spent time reading every day, even if only for a few minutes. This personal time for me really evened out all of the other responsibilities I had to take care of. There were two major things I learned about myself from this. The first being that although I am extroverted, I really value time I can spend alone, especially when I spend most of my day surrounded by so many people. The second thing I learned about myself is that although time alone is essential for me, I thrive when I am caring for others and when I am able to help someone. I listed alone time as something that was huge for me this semester, but the time I spent mentoring two high school girls was equally as crucial for my mental state. I loved being able to love on these girls, give them advice, and help them with both homework and life problems. Overall, this semester of growth was the busiest yet, but it was also the beginning of me finding my calling and discovering monumental things about myself, and for that I consider it a

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