Personal Narrative: Mt Washington In New Hampshire

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Memories Mt Washington in New Hampshire is the tallest mountain in Northeastern United States at 6,288 feet it is also one of the most dangerous ones. This is a mountain that since 1849 has caused the recorded deaths of around 150 people and the weather can change in seconds going from 70 degrees and clear skies to either thunderstorms, blizzards that cover the entire summit in snow and rime ice or hail with temperatures as low as -40 degrees and winds that have been recorded at 254 mph though wind gusts that high are results of rather extreme conditions. Any hiker must plan their trip up the mountain to the absolute smallest and minute detail, reservations must be made in advance and multiple routes off the mountain must be planned in case of either medical emergencies or extreme weather and a bunch of teenagers and our fathers were going to try our best and climb it without anyone increasing that 150 number. The weather had held out …show more content…

We all rush around to get our rain gear on and find shelter out of the wind so we stop getting pummeled by hail and to wait for everyone to regroup as some of us had fallen behind getting off the summit. In the midst of all this my friend has the great idea of taking out his gameboy color and he starts playing Pokemon. There was real danger though in our situation however as next to all of us huddling behind this clump of rocks covered in alpine vegetation and moss was a man and his young daughter that had hiked up the mountain for a short little day trip. They had nothing with them except water and food, they were getting soaked to the bone and coupled with the cold temperature as it had gone down to the 30s in the storm without any rain gear left them with a real chance of getting

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