Personal Narrative: Mono-Harmonious Relationships

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I always carry with me a list of life goals I desire to achieve. One of those goals is to get married to the one love of my life- and it still is. However, I have been led to believe that a monogamous marriage is the only option concerning relationships. Mono-normativity is simply the standard, and anything that is different is too exotic for many Americans. Unbeknownst to my adolescent self, however, America’s historical traditions and institutions have significantly influenced my perceptions of the world I live in. What I found to be normal was not because I deemed it so, but because society had given me a set of concepts and ideas to work with that have always been known to work and fit within the standard model of American life. Thus, I …show more content…

Indeed, I was about twenty years old when I realized that monogamy is not the only option. Now that I am twenty-two, and enrolled in this class, I realize that a polyamorous relationship is just as healthy (arguably healthier) as a monogamous relationship. Polyamorous relationships promote all the components of what constitutes a healthy relationship for me. These components are: honesty, truth, and open communication. These components build a strong foundation on which any relationship can survive. Given that I have been in a few relationships in which open communication was almost always an issue, the relationship was never able to thrive. Instead, there was always suspicion and deceit because the lack of communication led to a lack of confidence and honesty. In monogamous relationships I find that many of my friends focus on wanting a healthy life with their partner, but fail to practice these key components. My friends get envious over petty things and hide their feelings from their partners, which then turns into a self-destructive cycle that eventually tears into the relationship. Simply put, a lot of my friends (and sometimes I) do not know how to openly communicate our issues and desires, but that is a practice that polyamorous people accomplish. Without open communication and honesty, then such consensual non-monogamy that Nirel discusses in her TED Talk cannot

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