Personal Narrative: Mia's Family

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Two months had passed as the month of October rolled around the corner. Mia's family was getting ready for a Halloween a week early so they could have everything ready. Mia has not told her folks that she has a boyfriend and kept it that way because her family is super nosy. When Halloween came Mia's old sister Tara came to the school to get Mia. When Tara pulled up at the school she had seen Erik and Mia talking with big smiles on their faces. When Mia got into the car her nosy sister turned and had a big grin on her face. "Ok I see you with your new man, Tara said." Mia looked at her sister crazy and said, "You better not say anything to nobody." As Tara pulled off she said "Ok." As soon as Tara pulled up in the driveway she ran into the house to tell her family the news. "Hey y'all Mia got a boyfriend, she shouted.'' Everyone had a stun but happy look on their faces. When Mia walked in she rolled her eyes at her sister and went to her room. Her mom stopped her and said,"I wanna meet your new man invite him over to our Halloween Party." Mia really wanted to say no but she didn't wanna argue with her mother. …show more content…

Later on that evening Erik showed up in policemen costume with fake gadgets on his utility belt. He glanced across the room looking for Mia but didn’t see her because of the many different costumes. As he walked through the house he spotted Mia talking with her family. Mia was wearing the bride of Frankenstein costume looking good as ever. Mia introduced Erik to her mom and family. Everyone in Mia’s family was so pleased with how nice Erik was and how he was a gentleman. But there is more that lies below the surface than they think. Shelia was getting a bad vibe off of Erik and couldn’t shake the feeling that something was

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