Personal Narrative: Life At Lancaster Country Day School

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6th grade was not all that bad. That is before the incident however. Going to school was fun for the most part, the classes were difficult, friends were plenteous, and the food was good. Life at Lancaster Country Day School was swell, again, before the incident. Now, said issue somewhat killed my image at the school and saved it at the same time; it also made me question others. Were my friends really my friends? Or did they use me to as a sick and twisted way to formulate drama? I had a friend. I had many friends really, I was friends with the whole 50 people in my grade. But this friend, this friend was different. Her name Mady Gosselin. Yes, the Mady Gosselin from Kate Plus 8. We had been close, I talked to her almost every day. However, …show more content…

She avoided me and refused to answer any texts. On the other hand, I had Aidan pouring fuel on the fire and dispersing sarcastic comments left and right. Somewhere in the midst of this he created a Mean Mady club and said I was the leader. Days at LCDS began to run slower and slower and I honestly wanted to know what was wrong with Mady blissfully unaware of the crap Aidan was throwing out. “You’re cyberbullying” this girl named MaKayla told me. Cyberbullying? Because I texted Mady wanting to know what was wrong? Early one morning I had an urge to get to the bottom of what was going on. I texted Mady saying I had no idea what was going on and I really wanted to go back to the way things used to be. Who responded? Not Mady, but her mom, Kate. She scolded me for “bullying” her helpless daughter and that I should be ashamed of the language I use. I had no clue what she was talking about but immediately after reading the text, a pall of dread enclosed around me. Panicked, I went to my mother. She too had been confused by the whole ordeal, and told me to respond asking what she meant. What it came down to was Kate Gosselin screaming at my mom over the phone as my mom yelled

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