Personal Narrative: The Teacher Who Ripped My Class

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Have you ever had a teacher that wanted to ripped your worksheet because he thought that I was doing something wrong ? Well that happened to me.

It all started when it was time to go back to class, which it was my 5th period class. most of the class noticed my teacher , Mr. Matthew Had seemed angry, we Didn't mind So we went with it .He usually Greets us when we walk in but this time he didn't say anything,My whole class didn't really care about the situation. . For some reason I took out my homework, Then 1 minute passed and I saw Mr. Matthew coming to my group In the back. He was angry and Ripped my worksheet in front of my group ,I Felt like the whole class saw what he did and then the class stayed quiet. I stood there Very …show more content…

Same time I was angry and confused about what happen. My other friend named Emma decide to go after us because she felt bad about what happened a great friend huh ... then I saw Mr.L the staff that takes care of the bad students taking her because she was angry and probably told him what happen , Mr.L saw me and Emma and told us to go back to class even though I didn't want to because I didn't wanted to see my teacher , instead Me and Emma waited for him to leave so we did plus I was trying to hide . On that day Emma and me decided to go to a different class which was ELA class because we had a sub which my teacher was absent. Since we had a sub for that class , the sub won't even notice if we were part of the class so we stayed there. I believe 10 minutes or less past and heard the office speaker say " Ashely & Emma please report to the office …show more content…

We basically didn't say nothing for like 2 minutes and the office lady told us to go to Mr.L office , so we went there . As me and Emma went to his office we were scared because we didn't know what was gonna happen , plus we knew I was gonna get in trouble. Mr L. Wanted us to tell what happened during class and told him everything about so far . For that we could of got a phone call but he decided to give us a second chance and I was fine since all the time I was worrying about getting in trouble. After that Mr.L decided to take us to Mr.Matthew explaining why he ripped my paper and he ended up getting in trouble instead of us , Mr. Matthew somehow apologized to me about the situation and said " I'm sorry , I didn't mean to " and of course I said it's okay even though I didn't really gave a damn about his apology. Since that happen we ended up being an a different room apart from Mr.Matthew because we he didn't want more

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