Personal Narrative: Life After High School

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As alarms blared in the background with intense blinking red lights, the starship was spinning erratically towards the atmosphere. “Zhang! Get the main engines and thrusters prepared for full power; we need all the power we can get to escape the planet’s gravitational pull!” A bead of sweat rolled down my brow as my shaky hand tried to connect the correct wires. It was my imagination that saved me from the confusion of living somewhere where I neither knew the language nor the customs when I was a child. Jolted by the intense turbulence, I turn and see the clock at 12 AM while sitting in front of my unfinished essay with the old blinking desk lamp. Looking back, I owe my success as a student and a member of society to the people I met and the …show more content…

Joining the swim team as a freshman, my senior friends gave me advice that the secret to swimming is to imagine moving with the water instead of against it. Swim practice was rigorous and time-consuming; the team often joked about not seeing the sun throughout the winter since morning practice started at dawn and after school practiced ended at dusk. Though winning competitions was fun, it was bonding friendship, learning experience, and shouting your lungs out cheering for your teammates that made it a brotherhood.
“Can someone please play an A?” As a senior, I am now the one giving advice and help to freshmen. In orchestra, we faced challenging music that had to be tackled together until everyone knew each other’s cues and parts. Nothing was better than the moment all of us played in synchronized harmony and spirit. I discovered the importance of team effort and the beauty of sharing moments of joy. Additionally, there was fiesta Friday where we brought in food to share and celebrate after a week of hard work. Orchestra became the high point of my school day because of the close friendships and shared passion through

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