Personal Narrative: Join The Air Force

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Today I will be sharing with you a personal story about one of the biggest decisions I’ve made in my life, joining the air force. As a kid, I always wanted to join the military my dad was in the army and I was always interested in jets and tanks as a child. I remember my dad telling me some of his “war stories” and I always found myself immersed in his stories whether they were sad, funny, or just an overall life lesson. Those feeling eventually gave way to other hopes and dreams as I got older, but I would always have a feeling in the back of my mind that I would somehow someday, end up in the military.
As a kid in high school I had a teacher have us do a project on what we wanted to do with our life after graduation, I remember doing a paper about wanting to go to culinary school but it didn’t feel right. I presented my paper to my teacher and he sort of laughed as if it was weird for someone like me to want to go to cooking school, I told him it was that or the military and he told me I wouldn’t last a day in the military. At that point I …show more content…

I tested again junior year and still didn’t score high enough to qualify. So, my senior year I got my act together, studied, and even hired a tutor; I felt confident I was going to pass this time. I scored below the cut off. I remember the hour-long drive home after the test, I was upset, frustrated, and confused. I thought “how could I do all that work and still score so low?” I told my dad my scores when I got home and he said, “well let’s just find something else you’re good at, maybe you aren’t meant to join the air force.” I told him I would give it one more try and if I scored too low for the air force I would go against what my dad had told me and join the army (he told me if I was going to join the military I could only join the air force, they treat you the

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