Personal Narrative: Becoming A Soldier Of The Colorado Army

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I have always loved being in a large family. Monday through friday, I could have up to sixteen siblings. On the weekends, it’s my three brothers and my four sisters. My Mom watches up to ten kids under her daycare, under our roof; And under our roof, parents come and go, picking up and dropping off their kids. Monday through Friday, I get to experience a bond with these families. There is one set of parents that wear the same uniform, proudly. Lane and Miranda Parker are currently members of the Colorado Army National Guard. While discussing Lane’s roles and responsibilities to our country, it brought warmth to my heart. I truly have never met a pair of young parents who love this country as much as they do. Lane’s first experience with the armed forces came from his grandfather, who was a proud soldier who participated in WWII. Lane decided to join the United States Marine Corps on December 26th, 2006. While serving, he …show more content…

When I asked him what it meant to be a soldier, it was as if everything he had listed were factors and experiences that shaped the caring father and loving husband he is today. Being a soldier means having integrity, maintaining high morale, while understanding that others safety and rights come before your own. Mr.Parker felt it in his heart, that his role and duty would continue to grow. Mr.Parker started a family consisting of two little girls, Sidney and Lanie. With the infinite support and love from his wife, Miranda, he’s continued filling his role as a soldier of the Colorado Army National Guard. Miranda also provides service in the Colorado Army National Guard. February 3rd, 2014, Lane joined this force. He emphasizes his gratitude towards his fellow soldiers. “The service members that I have served with and will serve with in the future, to me, are extensions of my family. I will protect and die for any of my brothers or sisters in uniform”, Mr.Parker proudly

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